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In your preferred time, drive a quad bike and explore the desert. Traverse the seemingly endless dunes at your own pace and build some lifetime memories. Want some thrill ? Tune it up, or you just want to absorb the essence of the desert and roam around, you will be all set in your quad bike. Go for it !
Take some slides down the sloppy dunes skateboarding. Afterwards, refresh at the upbeat lounge, try on Arabian attire, drink some smoothies and chill !


Timeline Overview:

  1. Choose your quad bike as per your liking.
  2. You will get RedBull energy drinks to keep you energized and hydrated throughout the tour.
  3. Ride your quad bike in the desert in a thrilling and adventurous way as you like. Your tour guide will be with you to assist in any way and take you through the desert routes. 
  4. You may see some camels trekking the desert during your tour and you can always stop for photos and videos.
  5. Strap on your skateboard to slide down the sloppy dunes.
  6. After the subscribed time duration, you may ride back to the site, or you can extend your session as well.
  7. Back at the lounge try on some Arabian attires, drink your favorite refreshing smoothie and then you may hang out at the lounge and opt for some other activities if you wish.

Average time for Complete Tour: 

  • 2 - 2.5 Hours

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